So I made it through the first week! Yesterday, day 6, was probably the hardest. I was getting tired of the few ingredients I had in the house. We were running out of bananas and zucchinis and I let myself get hungry so cravings were hitting. To make things more difficult, my kids (vegan, but not raw) were requesting all their favorites so I was making good smelling couscous and pastas and sandwiches. My daughter even was trying to talk John into ordering pizza, a huge weakness of mine! Luckily, we didn't order pizza and John was headed out to run errands anyways, so I sent him with a list. After everyone was asleep I forced myself to get some banana and zucchini chips started in the dehydrator so I'd be prepared with some snacks when I woke up and went to bed planning on those, smoothies, and carrot soup, for which I know had the ingredients, for the next day. Glad I did.
This morning I had a couple of glasses of water first thing. Then later I munched down the zucchini chips and had a banana and a sip of smoothie. Then headed to the gym where I haven't been in a couple months (holiday break, haha). A good workout and some carrot soup has pulled me back on track.
Mornings are good. I love waking up and feeling different! I love looking in the mirror at how I'm changing. My face looks happier and calmer, and I'm not bloated anymore, and I've lost about 6 pounds this past week. It's a great start to the day to know you are doing something good for yourself!
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